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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

American origin Knowledge

American creation  history 

Here from a Island name the highly power country How too? here all

The History of American journalism began in 1690 when Benjamin Harris published the first edition of Public Occurrence. Both Foreign and Domestic in Boston. Harris had strong trans-Atlantic connections intending to publish a regular weekly newspaper along the lines of those existed in London  but he did not get prior approval and his paper was suppressed under a single edition. The first great newspaper whose the Boston News-Letter, was  raised in 1704.  Those time, the founder

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was John Campbell, the local postmaster, his paper proclaimed that it was "published by authority."
When the war for  fre natives began in 1775 in according to  37 weekly newspapers were on
operation, 20 survived the war and 33 new started up. The British blockade sharply curtailed the importation of   that news paper.One result was a reduced size and delays thats  publication. When the  sruggle for free ended in 1782, there were 35 newspapers with a combined circulation of about

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United state of america (USA)

In 1898, the United States won a quick victory in the Spanish American War and liberated Cuba, the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam from Spanish colonial rule. But the war sparked the greatest foreign policy debate in American history as best minds of the age considered whether the United States should grab, “civilize,” and dominate foreign lands or leave the people of those countries to rule themselves.
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Expansionists led by Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge with the help of news baron William Randolph Hearst ultimately won the argument then, but a closely divided nation questioned the new imperialism as influential thinkers including Mark Twain, Booker T. Washington, Jane Addams, Samuel Gompers, and Andrew Carnegie warned against foreign intervention and cited the terrible consequences of European empire, including the brutalizing of colonial subjects.
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And it was a time when the United States forces evolved from liberators to occupiers who crushed the independence movement in the horrific Philippine American War (1899-1902), leaving over one hundred thousand Filipinos dead—mostly civilians—in a conflict fueled by a sense of American superiority and divine exceptionalism that presaged our future wars of intervention in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Award-winning foreign correspondent and expert on foreign policy Stephen Kinzer chronicles this overlooked history in his new book The True Flag: Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Twain, and the Birth of American Empire (Henry Holt & Company). He covers the raging debate in detail over intervention based on extensive research of official documents, letters, diaries, and other resources. He stresses how this debate erupted on the role of the U.S. in the world and dominated news and discussions at the turn of the twentieth century.

Mr. Kinzer’s book appears at a time when America is again examining its role in the world, and the issues argued in this forgotten history are still relevant today—although these concerns likely will not garner anywhere near the wide attention they received almost 120 years ago.

The title of the book, The True Flag, comes from a speech by prominent anti-imperialist Carl Schurz, a German immigrant who served as a Union general, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of the Interior:

Let us raise the flag of our country—not as an emblem of reckless adventure and greedy conquest, of betrayed professions and broken pledges, of criminal aggression and arbitrary rule over subject populations—but the old, the true flag, the flag of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, the flag of government of, for, and by the people, the flag of national faith held sacred and of national honor unsullied, the flag of human rights and of good example to all nations, the flag of true civilization, peace, and good will to all men.
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In his study of this period, Mr. Kinzer demonstrates the dangers and folly of a foreign policy of violent intervention and domination.
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Mexico origin history

Image result for Chile historyMexico, as a North America and the third largest country in Latin America across Brazil and Argentina. Though there is little truth to the long-held stereotype of Mexico as a slow-paced land of subsistence farmers & Mexican society is characterized by extremes of wealth and poverty  with a limited middle class  between an elite cadre of investors on the one hand , masses of rural and urban poor . But, in spite of ,the challenges  those faces as a developing country. Specially , Mexico is  best economic and political forces in Latin America. It has a  lot of dynamic industrial base, also vast mineral resources,  extra wide-ranging service sector and the world’s largest population of Spanish speakers about two and a half times  whose Spain or Colombia. As its selected an  official name , the Estados Unidos Mexicanos ( UMS).
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Half of the Mexican people live in the centre of the country  whereas vast areas of the  north and the tropical south are  settled.  A lot of Migrants from impoverished rural areas have poured into Mexico’s cities and nearly four-fifths of Mexicans, now, live in urban areas. Mexico City, the capital, is one of the most popular cities and metropolitan areas in the world. Mexico has experienced a turning series  economic booms, leading to periods of impressive social gains, followed by busts  with significant declines of living standards from the middle and lower classes.  The country support of economics  in many strong ways , on the teams of them right now , Usa, canada & also other country in the american country  through the North American Free Trad Agreement ( NAFTA) .
Sharing  the border throughout its northern site with the United States, Mexico is bounded to the west and south by the Pacific Ocean,  the corner of east the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. the regions of southeast by Guatemala and Belize. Mexico also administers such as islands and archipelagoes  . Including these insular territories, the roughly triangular country covers an area about three times the size of Texas. While it is more than  3000km across from northwest to southeast, its width varies from less than 217 km .
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Geologic origins
Mexico is   indicated  as one of the most dynamic tectonic areas on the earth . It is a  major part of   circum-Pacific “Ring of Fire”.Among  country  over the world  which forms the highest point in the country at 18,406 feet   which rises to 17,930 feet to the southeast  areas  of Mexico City. These and other Mexican volcanoes are young in geologic terms.  From the Paleogene and Neogene periods .volcanic forces that built much of the central and southern parts of the country. Mexico is situated on the western.
Throughout southeastern Mexico, high rates of precipitation produce  yellow lateritic soils high in iron oxides and aluminum hydroxides. The richest soils in the country are the chernozem-like volcanic soils found in the Mesa Central. Deep, easily crumbled, and rich in base minerals, some of those dark soils have been farmed continuously tomany centuries. However, overuse has caused serious sheet erosion and has exposed tepetate in many areas. In the north, gray-brown desert soils occupied the largest expanses. High in lime & soluble salts, they can be extremely productive when irrigated.
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Mexico has a wide array of climatic conditions because of its topographic diversity. More than half of the country lies south in the Tropic  Cancer. In those areas, tropical maritime air masses from the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean, and the Pacific, are attracted by the relative low pressures which occur in land. The maritime air masses are the main sources of precipitation, which is heaviest  may through August. On both sides of Tropical hurricanes, spawned in oceans the country are common in the coastal lowland areas from  August  - October.  Mexico is dominated Northern by the Sonoran , Chihuahuan deserts, , arid and semiarid conditions predominate over much of the Mexican Plateau.

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 Different way of seasonal earth of maxican temparature is smoth .Often about 10 °F  between the  so much warm and cool months. In those areas ,winter is defined  the rainy rather than the cold  region . Elevation is a major climatic influence in most parts of Mexico and several vertical climatic zones are recognized. From sea level over 3,000 feet  is the tierra caliente with uniformly high temperatures. For example, Veracruz is  located on the Gulf of Mexico that  has an average daily temperature  approximately 77 °F .The tierra templada extend to about 6,000 feet  and include the Xalapa city  Also  at an elevation of more than